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Anna Chekh, the multidisciplinary contemporary Ukrainian-born artist, embarked on her creative journey in the enchanting town of Dnipro, Ukraine. Her early fascination with art led her to attend art classes, shaping her innate talent. Despite her artistic passion, she graduated advertising and public relations at the National University in Kiev, recognizing the instability that often accompanies a life of artists.

At the moment of flourishing career like an art director, Chekh decided to change trajectory and build her artist’s solo way coming back to her children’s dream. Her art has rapidly gained popularity and reached a wide international level. 

Chekh's artistic oeuvre transcends conventional boundaries, seamlessly blending traditional canvas painting with cutting-edge technology. Her portfolio encompasses 3D printed artworks, sculptures, digital art, NFTs, and interactive installations, showcasing her commitment to pushing artistic frontiers. 

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Art journey

Anna Chekh is a representative of contemporary art expressed in various forms and meanings. Her artworks are dedicated to societal issues. No one could express modern society as vividly and unequivocally her main character - the Shadow Man. A faceless character with values in hand, he embodies the image of our generation. As a multidisciplinary artist, Anna Chekh extends her creative vision across various mediums, from traditional canvases and sculptures to cutting-edge NFTs, interactive installations, and innovative 3D pictures and web 3.0 projects. Her artworks, celebrated for their depth and innovation, have been showcased at esteemed venues worldwide from New York and Tokyo to Bangkok and Dubai, including the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris and Victoria&Albert Museum in London. Anna has received numerous prestigious awards, including Best Innovative NFT 2024 and Best PhygitalNFT 2023 (Dubai, Burj Khalifa).

Artist statement

Through artworks the artist aim to capture the spirit of our times and reflect the complex nature of contemporary existence. Anna believes that we are all Shadow Men. We navigate the world, engaging with it on multiple levels, yet we instinctively shield parts of ourselves from the external gaze. Like all of us, Shadow Man explores everything around him, immersing himself in the thick of things. Yet, he chooses to stay in the shadows and remain faceless, preserving his private life, values, and secrets from the public eye.


Artist’s work invites viewers to contemplate this duality within their own lives — the balance between what we reveal and what we conceal, the public persona and the private self. Through Shadow Man as the main art character, Chekh depicts these ideas in a catchy and artistic way.


All her artworks carry a deep sense, revealing people’s behavior patterns and social masks. Anna strives to create a space for reflection and connection. Her art seeks to evoke a sense of shared experience and understanding, highlighting the universal human condition.

Projects, events, exhibitions 2022-2024

2022 Oct-Nov

2022 Oct

2022 Dec

2022-2023 Dec-Jan

2023 Jan-Feb

2023 Mar

2023 Mar

2023 Mar

2023 Mar

2023 Mar-Apr

2023 Apr

2023 May

2023 May

2023 Jun

2023 Jun

2023 Jun

2023 Jun

2023 Jun

2023 Jun

2023 Aug

2023 Sep-Oct

2023 Oct

2023 Oct

2023 Nov

2023 Nov

2023 Dec

2024 Feb

2024 Feb

2024 Mar

2024 Mar

2024 Mar

2024 Apr

2024 Apr-Jul

2024 May

2024 May-now

2024 July

Solo exhibition in Oblong gallery, Bluewaters, Dubai

Digital performance in VAGA, Bluewaters, Dubai


Installation in the central mall Icon Siam, brand collab with Maya Wong, Bangkok


Solo exhibition in Boccara gallery, DIFC, Dubai


Solo exhibition in Roasters, Dubai


Art fair World Art Dubai


Art fair Tokyo Tower

ftNFT Award, Best Phygital NFT 2023, Burj Khalifa Armani hotel, Dubai

Award Best NFT Art 2023 by Magzoid, TODA, Dubai

Group exhibition in ArtNumber23 gallery, Barcelona


Group digital exhibition in Art in Space in collab with Project 22, Dubai


Solo digital exhibition, Elivision Media, 280 residental and business towers, Dubai


Art fair, Cannes Bienalle, Cannes


Group exhibition in Sahra gallery, DIFC, Dubai


Solo exhibition in Dubai mall, ftNFT shop, Dubai

Group digital exhibition in TODA in collab with Project 22, Dubai


Interactive digital installation in Dubai mall, Dubai


Group exhibition in Boccara gallery, DIFC, Dubai


Brand collab with AKNeye, Dubai


Brand collab with Chiko&Roko, Dubai


Group exhibition in DDDArt gallery, Tokyo


Art fair Art shopping, Carrousel du Louvre, Paris


Group exhibition in Mriya gallery, New York


DIFC Art Nights, Dubai


Group digital exhibition in Kanvas gallery in collab with Project 22, Dubai


Public art in True digital park, Bangkok


ftNFT Award, Burj Khalifa Armani hotel, Dubai

Included to the book of the Best artists in focus 2024 by Magzoid, Dubai


Art Connects Women projects under supporting by UNESCO, One&Only Royal Mirage, Dubai

Awarded as the Art Ambassador (Ukraine) by UNESCO, Dubai


DIFC Art Nights, Dubai


Brand collab with Thai interior brand Vertier, Bangkok

​Exhibition and auction, Etihad Airways, Abu Dhabi


Mango Festival, River city, Bangkok


Group exhibition, Icon Siam, ArtVentureNFT, Bangkok

Art perfomance, AKNeye space, Venice biennale 

University Name

Briefly describe your degree and any other highlights about your studies you want to share. Be sure to include relevant skills you gained, accomplishments you achieved or milestones you reached during your education.


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